Monday 6 January 2014

My First Ever Wireframe

I was introduced to a new piece of software that I see as one of the coolest tools in creating games. Multimedia Fusion 2 (MMF2) if a straightforward program that lets you make games (or screen savers if that's what your into) and the only limitation is how good your programming understanding is, and Imagination. 
But even if you look at the code side and see something that looks like another language at first, you can easily play around with the tools your given, and get some sort of result.

Our assignment was to combine two games, taking any of the elements we might have liked from either and inputting them into our own new game. However, we weren't asked to create the game, but the wireframe for the game. Showcasing the inspiration of, explanation of and a demonstration of the game with some of it's main mechanics. But doing so in an interesting and interactive way.

I tried to use all the skills I had learnt up to that point  in MMF2 to not only try to create an awesome wireframe but to prove my skill progression.

This is my final product:

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