Thursday, 29 May 2014

Isometric Practice

Created some buildings and interior designs in isometric pixel art.
Besides form the given angles, creating other angles while still having an isometric style is hard but I'll keep practicing since I find drawing like this quite soothing.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

3ds Max Grenade

At the beginning of the year I used the 3D modelling program 3ds Max to create the weapon of my choice. I wanted to see how I could manipulate a spherical object so I created a 3D model of grenade. 

I had to restart the shapes many times since this was a new experience for me, but in the end I was quite pleased with the final result. One thing that I think is very important to remember is that using this program or any other 3D modelling program on a regular basis, even if it's just for practise is very important to keep skills from rusting.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Persons Ltd. - Global Game Jam 2014

After surviving my first Global Game Jam, me and my awesome team handed in our project. It can be viewed here:

The atmosphere for the whole weekend was amazing, and even after everyone was dozing off towards the end and slipping in and out of consciousness, I doubt there were people that regretted the experience.

Whilst creating our game 'Persons Ltd.' I was in charge of drawing the people and numerous outfits that would later be randomly combined in game. On the last day I also drew a simple background animated animated it so that the back wouldn't look too static.

You are welcome to download the executable file and check out the fruit of my team's labor. We enjoyed making it together and now you can hopefully enjoy trying it out.

Persons Ltd.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Global Game Jam 2014

I'm currently participating in the Global Game Jam 2014. I've been drawing for 11 hours and I'm still in high spirits and having fun. I'll upload my drawings after everything get's submitted on the 26th.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Pixel Practice

We looked at colours and how they can be associated with heroes or villains. Also how different combinations eg, complimentary, analog work together. 
After that we practiced creating characters through pixel art. I've drawn using a pixel art style before, so I found  the whole experience really fun.

I made a lovely squid

Monday, 6 January 2014

My First Ever Wireframe

I was introduced to a new piece of software that I see as one of the coolest tools in creating games. Multimedia Fusion 2 (MMF2) if a straightforward program that lets you make games (or screen savers if that's what your into) and the only limitation is how good your programming understanding is, and Imagination. 
But even if you look at the code side and see something that looks like another language at first, you can easily play around with the tools your given, and get some sort of result.

Our assignment was to combine two games, taking any of the elements we might have liked from either and inputting them into our own new game. However, we weren't asked to create the game, but the wireframe for the game. Showcasing the inspiration of, explanation of and a demonstration of the game with some of it's main mechanics. But doing so in an interesting and interactive way.

I tried to use all the skills I had learnt up to that point  in MMF2 to not only try to create an awesome wireframe but to prove my skill progression.

This is my final product:

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Walk Cycle

I had to make a walk cycle using motion tweens in Flash which I found pretty easy. I've used Flash before and I can manage most of the time but I'm not a fan. The only hard thing was making sure the end position looked the same as the start position. It made part of the animation slightly jagged but I tried to make it as less obvious as possible. I wanted to give the model some hair movement but that created movement problems so instead I made the hands move slightly to make them look less stiff.

Ignoring my picky self I know the cool things Flash is capable of creating e.g cartoons like 'Motor City' and 'My Little Pony', learning the right tricks and methods could lead to really cool art and in-game animations.

Group Project: Boardgame

We had our first group project which was to make a playable boardgame with clear rules. I was in charge of creating the board for our game 'Bear Arms'. 

Our theme was teddy bears vs. toy army solders where you play as the teddy bears protecting their toy-box from being invaded by the army solders. The battle ground was meant to represent a child's bedroom floor. That's why you can see clothes and toys scattered on the board. Some of the elements like the gum and dominoes had in-game effects.

It was strange working on a project like this with a group for the first time but I enjoyed it. I noticed that I can take charge if that's what needs to happen but I'm perfectly happy to take orders and just try my hardest on them.  Everyone got along well even if our group never really interacted much before that and everyone took a piece of the project and worked on it in their own time. We arranged meetings to see where we were at and most of the time we were on or even ahead of schedule, so for a first time experience of working in a group...I'd say I really liked it. 

It would be interesting to see what a group of different people could have accomplished since the skills would all get jumbled up.