Monday 30 May 2016

Octomix Download

To try out my 3rd year major project game 'Octomix' simply click the 'View game on' button where you can download the game for free or donate any amount if you feel so inclined OR click the 'Download Now' button to download the game form here.

Friday 27 May 2016


My commercial game Octomix has finally been finished and graded.

I will be uploading it here so people may try it out for themselves, but I will also provide a download link through where if you are interested in downloading my game, you may name your price and donate some money if you wish. If enough interest is shown I might pursue this project further.

Hopefully I will have everything ready by the end of this week.

(Tentacles crossed) Emoticon Facebook octopus

Friday 6 May 2016

Mobius Horizon Backgrounds

These are the rest of the backgrounds for one of my major projects that I have named Mobius Horizon. This project focuses more on game assets rather than mechanics.

I will soon have a link where you may download the game.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Street Knight

Trying out a different colouring style. I also wanted to practice drawing men.